How to Make MacOS Terminal Beautiful With Background Image

How to Make MacOS Terminal Beautiful With Background Image


MacOS's default Terminal as of it is, is pretty boring and not very good to look at.

It's just some text on a solid background.

The easiest way to customise your terminal is to add a background.

Following are the steps for the same:

Install Iterm2

Iterm2 is a terminal emulator, does everything the default Terminal does and more.


Iterm -> Preferences -> Profiles -> Window -> Transparency

Full screen

Iterm Preferences -> General -> Window -> Native full screen windows

Uncheck it.

Use Cmd + Return/Enter to get in the fullscreen mode.

Desktop Picture

Now just add a nice desktop picture and done.

You have a nice background for your terminal.

Other tips

  • Don't open other apps on the desktop with Iterm for best look and feel.

  • Bind Iterm2 to a desktop & turn on desktop shortcuts in Keyboard -> Keyboard shortcuts -> Mission Control -> Switch to Desktop #

Binding an app to a desktop

Desktop Keyboard Shortuts

Final result